Four months ago, we added a new member to our family. Jace Andrew was born on June 10th at 3:30 in the afternoon. I'd like to say it was an easy breezy delivery, but I'd be lying. After two epidurals, my blood pressure dropping to critical levels not once but TWICE, and Jaces' heart rate plummeting twice, we were ready to throw in the towel. When the little guy finally decided to show his tiny face, we were relieved and grateful...but for a short moment. We soon learned he wasn't breathing on his own. He was whisked away from me before I even had a chance to say hello. I was told that his APGAR was 2 pretty much all he had going for him was a weak heartbeat. They rushed him to NICU where he was placed under an oxygen box. He had tubes and needles all over his poor body. My dad and Scott were able to give him a blessing of healing and comfort shortly after that. They couldn't put their hands on his head because he had to remain under the oxygen, so they placed their hands on his tiny chest. Three agonizing hours later I was able to be wheeled into the nursery to see him. Looking back, I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. He was so helpless in that bed, covered with all sorts of foreign objects. I sobbed for hours after that. I couldn't even hold my new son. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days. During that time, I was able to visit the nursery whenever I wanted, and could hold him and breastfeed him after a day or so. The doctors told us to plan on having to leave him at the hospital for some time. I was devastated. But through faith and prayers and that wonderful blessing, a miracles happened. Jace made a huge turn around. After a large panel of tests on his lungs and other organs, the doctors were stunned to tell us that he would be able to leave the hospital with us. I can't remember ever being more relieved.
It hasn't gotten easier. As soon as we got home, we noticed Jace's coloring was off. More tests, more needles, and more doctors. Jace had a quite severe case of jaundice. Luckily, we were able to have a special bilirubin bed brought to our house for him. I don't know what I'd have done if we'd have had to take him back to the hospital and leave him there. It was hard enough that I could only hold him when I was feeding him. He had to be under lights at all other times. Those were a difficult four days as well.
28 days later we were back with the doctors. This time at Primary Children's Hosptial (details to come at a later date). We have a baby who has been sick almost half of his life. He has reflux and colic and is not a very content little guy. But, we wouldn't have it any other way. When he looks up at you and smiles that great big smile, there isn't a better feeling in the world. And I'd go through a million hard deliveries, doctors visits, and tests, to have him in our home. We love you Jace!
Oh sweet girl....Although we didn't have quite the same degree of scare that you did our Clarissa came into this world with her own challenges. I will tell you this that the fight that brought these sweet babies into the world NEVER leaves. I am saying all of the time that Clarissa stood in the personality line twice. I am so excited to see/read more about you and your sweet family. Send me a message on FB with your email & I'll invite you to my blog...only if you want to of course :)