I love her and she loves me too.
Each day we get to spend together,
There is something new for us to do.
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
Last week we built a fortress,
To house the wicked old queen.
Grandma acts out her voices
All scary, nasty, and mean.
I play the part of the princess,
Locked in the dungeon below.
Next grandma turns into the prince who rescues me,
And away from the fortress we go!
We ride away in the sunset,
Far away from that old fortress.
And grandma doesn’t even scold me
About the room that’s now a mess!
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
I LOVE when Thursday comes around,
Because this is my ballet day.
Grandma takes me to my dance class,
And I always ask her to stay.
I like when she watches me dance,
She smiles so big and wide.
Seeing her be so proud of me,
Makes me feel all warm inside.
After class we like to visit Jackie
Who works down at the book store.
Jackie thinks it’s great that grandma visits with me
She says that’s JUST what grandmas are for!
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
For a special treat last week,
Grandma took me to see her friend Rob.
He’s the man that styles her hair,
He does a fantastic job.
I sat up in the big styling seat
And watched him work on Grandmas hair.
He washed and curled and sprayed it nice.
He treated her with lots of care.
I loved the smells, the sights, the sounds,
Of all the hair stuff on the shelf.
And Mr. Rob was so kind to me,
He asked me questions all about myself.
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
Sometimes, when mom has a lot to do,
Grandma comes to stay at my home.
Mom goes out to run her errands,
And me and Grandma are all alone!
Candy Land, Hungry Hippos, and Simon Says,
Picnics, dollies, and dress up too-
With Grandma playing at my house,
There’s no end to the things we can do.
And she never gets all tired out,
The way that Mom and Dad sometimes do.
She plays and plays and plays with me,
And always teaches me something new.
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
Now, my very favorite thing to do
When grandma is here or when I go there
Is to pick out a whole stack of books,
And climb up on her lap in a comfy chair.
It doesn’t matter if the book is long or short,
Or if the pages look old or new,
Grandma makes each book come alive
With the voices and actions that she can do.
She takes the time to explain to me,
If there is a word I don’t know.
And she never gets angry when I ask lots of questions,
She says asking questions is how we grow.
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
So now you know why grandma’s my favorite friend,
And why she always will be.
She makes me feel special and glad.
I’ll always love her, and she’ll always love me.
We have a special thing you see,
A special thing, my grandma and me.
Love the poem! And so fun to have a grandma to hang out with. I know Chase LOVES his!