Scott and I have been married for 8 1/2 years now. We have two beautiful children, Isabelle Rose and Jace Andrew. We live in Centerville, Utah in a townhouse that we LOVE! Scott recently switched jobs (again) and went to work for Scott Hale Plumbing, Heating and Air. This switch has been a tremendous blessing for our family and Scott is really liking the service end of the Heating/Air business. Butterfly Wings and Tiny Things has kind of been fazed out. We had a successful run, did a lot of boutiques, made quite a bit of money, and got burned out:) So, for now we are doing special order magnet boards only. It keeps up busy enough. Scott and I love waterskiing, watching movies, going on drives, and really just being together. We hope you enjoy our blog!
I Believe: -Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. -No matter how good a friend is, they are going to hurt you every once and a while, and you must be willing to forgive them for that. -Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. -It's taking a long time for me to become who I want to be. -That you should always leave loved ones with kind words. It may be the last time you'll see them. -That either you control your attitude, or it controls you. -That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. -That no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. -That the people you care about most in life are taken from you much too soon. -That it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. -That everyone deserves a fair chance. -Love is all you need.
Izzy says so many things that crack us up! So, I've decided to start writing them all down so i don't forget them.
Izzy: Dad? Are there such things as super spies? Scott: Ya. But you have to study really, really hard if you want to grow up to do that. Super spies are very smart. Izzy: Well Dad, I think I'll be a super spy then cause I'm actually really smart. What about you dad? What are you going to be when you grow up? Scott: Well, I think I'll do heating and air stuff. Izzy: Dad. I think you should be a cowboy cause you actually grew up on a farm.
Mom! Don't EVER take me near cats and dogs again! My allergreations get really bad!
Jace got out of the tub today, climbed up on Izzy's bed and pooped on it. He then proceeded to wipe the poo all over her bedspread and hand the remains to me in a toy bucket. I in turn, yelled at Izzy for not watching Jace like I'd asked her to. I said something along the lines of..."nice Iz! Now there's shit all over your bed!" A little later my mom came to pick us up to go to her house. Izzy runs right up to her and says, "guess what gram? Jace shit all over my bed!" (I know. I know.)
Came downstairs today to find that Iz had colored all over the baseboards. After questioning her up and down as to why she'd do such a thing, she replied, "well shouldn't let me watch Rapunzel then cause she gets to color on her walls!"
Izzy: Mom? What does the yellow light mean? Me: Slow Down Izzy: Annnnnddd you just sped up... Me:.......................
Izzy: Mom, Lachlan asked me to hold his hand in school today. Me: Oh really? And what did you do? Izzy: I held it! Me: When? Where? Izzy: Walking into the classroom. It was very romantic.
Izzy: Mom, today in church we learned the three things you have to do to get back to Heaven. Me: Great! What are they? Izzy: One. Go to Church. Two. Read the scriptures. Everyday. And Three. Always listen to your parents. Without them you'd be lost in the wilderness.
Izzy has started to pick up on a lot of the phrases her dad uses. Scott claims he doesn't even know he says these things, but I know he does, and now, so does Iz. Here are just a few: "Jace. I'm a lot stronger than you, and I will win every time." "Jace! Come on honey! Are ya kidding me?" "Come on dude! Learn how to drive!" "Are you kidding me Jace?" "Un-BE-lievable!"
Izzy was reading her book to me the other day in preparation for passing it off at preschool. When she finished, she turned to me with a sigh and said, "Mom. I am damn well ready to pass this book off." Ummmm...
"Mom...I feel so empty inside when Bones doesn't hug me."
Izzy was praying for snow the other day. After she finished, I said 'Amen.' She turned to me and asked why I'd said that. I explained that we say amen at the end of a prayer. She then went on to explain that actually, we say amen because we agree with what is being said in the prayer and since I didn't agree with it snowing, I had no business saying amen.
The next day, after the 'amen story' grandma Bobbye called and said they had snow at her house. Scott said, 'Iz! Heavenly Father answered your prayer! There was snow!' Izzy shook her head in dismay...'Why didn't it snow here?' she asked. Scott said that maybe some people prayed it wouldn't snow here. She immediately turned to me and yelled...'MOM!'
A few weeks ago I did a craft show at the Country Barn boutique in Kaysville. Izzy came with Scott and I to set up. On the drive home, Scott started telling me about a new friend that Iz had made while at the setup. His name was Gunner. 'Gunner?' I said. 'Was he cute?' Izzy started laughing...'Oh mom! I want to marry Gunner! I LOVE him!' 'Love him? What do you love about him?' She smiled, 'His voice!' Scott then said, 'Did he sing to you with his voice?' 'No dad! He said my name! We'll get married and I'll call him Gunner-hon and he'll call me Miss Isabelle.'
Izzy had a crush on the next door neighbor boy. Truth be told, I do too:) He's 19 and just left on his mission. Before he went, Iz wanted to make him a card. She drew a picture of JR holding hands with Jesus. Jesus was complete with long brown hair and a flowing brown robe...quite a likeness I think. When I asked her about her picture, she very confidently told me that 'Jesus walks with the missionaries.' And there you have it....
Izzy was asked to say the prayer on the 24th of July (Pioneer Day) She wanted to do it with no help. Here's the prayer..."Heavenly Father, we're thankful for this day. We're thankful for the food. Bless everyone in the world. Bless the Pioneers....(and silence falls. my dad gets ready to whisper something in her ear just as she continues)...that they will all be resurrected soon. Name Jesus Christ, Amen."
Along the "Pioneer Days" line. The day after the 24th, Scott asked Izzy if she'd had a good day the day before, going to the parade, park, and doing fireworks. She replied that it was the best day ever and then said, 'Plus Dad...I saved the day, uno.' 'How do you mean,' he asked. (Exasperated)...'Dad! I blessed the Pioneers to rise again!' She then proceeded to ask me if I knew what it meant for them to rise again. I said I didn't;) She let me know that it meant they'd be resurrected someday
Yesterday, the kids were playing dress up. Gabe comes down in full cowboy gear...hat, bandana, gun, holster, dress...ready to right the wild, wild west. Izzy puts her hands on her knees (baseball stance) and bends so her face is right near Gabe's and says, 'Go get 'em honey. I know you can do it!'
Izzy has a new latest phrase that she uses every time she gets in trouble for something. It wouldn't be so bad if these 'somethings' weren't OBVIOUS things that she should not be doing...things she OVBIOUSLY KNOWS are naughty. For instance, smashing up fishy crackers in water and painting the messy goo all over the couches, tables, and t.v. And the latest phrase, or response is, 'well, you should've told me not to do that in the first place!' (As if I can guess every naughty thing that child is going to do!)
Iz awoke a few days ago and after being up for a few minutes commented to me, "Mom. I'm not myself today."
We like to go for family rides on Sunday. When I say 'we' I mean Scott and I. The kids are locked down in a car seat and we can get a few minutes of peace...or so the idea goes. Izzy, does not share our love of rides. Last Sunday, she got particularly worked up and started crying. In her huffs and puffs, she warned Scott from the backseat, "Don't MAKE me have to yell at you Dad!"
One night last week as I was, once again, trying to get Iz to clean up the mess in her room before bed, I went in to check on her progress, only to find her lying in her bed, face down. When I asked her what in the world she was doing, she replied, 'Too tired. Leave a message.'
Jace was having a hard time working his new toy. Izzy calmly picked it up from his hands and said to him, 'Jace. Watch and learn.'
Scott was trying to figure out what to make Izzy for dinner the other night. After working through all her choices, he started back at the beginning. Izzy folded her arms across her chest and said matter-of-factly, 'Dad. When a girl says no, she means NO!'
I overheard Izzy playing with something in her room. Things were not playing out as she had hoped. I expected a tantrum to follow. What I heard instead was, 'Oh well. I'll just improvise.'
Scott was making french toast this morning and Izzy was watching. When he flipped the toast over she said, 'Oooo Dad. Look! That side is getting all 'frenchy'.
Izzy and I were playing Uno the other day. After she beat me, I jokingly threw down my cards and pouted. Her response..."Mom! It's just a game. Don't be a spoil sport! No one wants to play with a spoil sport."
Last night Izzy wanted grapes for her bedtime snack. Scott brought them up to her and proceeded to kneel down on her floor for prayers. Izzy started digging into her grapes. Scott told her that they needed to have prayers first. She responded that she just needed ONE grape before prayers. She then proceeded to peel the grape skin with her teeth. Scott asked her what in the world she was doing! Her response was that she no longer liked the skin on grapes and that she'd be peeling them all. What in the world?
Scott has a habit of asking Izzy when he gets home from work to tell him all about her day. So, the other day, after he'd gotten out of the shower and was resting on the couch, Izzy crawled up on his lap and said...'Dad. How was your day? Tell me all about it. Did you work really hard?'
Izzy was coloring a picutre the other day. She turns to me and says, "Mom. I don't have exactly the right color of green for this leaf! (Sigh) Besides. This other green will have to do."
Izzy and I were sitting in a bubble bath this morning when all the sudden she leans back and says to me, "Oh Mom. Isn't this romantical?"
Izzy: Mom, I'm allergic to boys. Me: Who told you that? Izzy: Uh, no one Mom. I just am. Me: What does allergic mean? Izzy: (disgusted sigh) M-O-M! It's like when Grandpa Rod eats shrimp and his throat swells all up. I'm just allergic to boys!
Mom. I'm chewing on some gum right now so my breath doesn't stink. Cause remember that show you did that one time with that boy that had really stinky breath? And you had to pretend to like him anyway? That was gross, right Mom?
Laying on the bed right now, Iz says to me, "Mom. You should never text and drive." "You're right Iz. Who told you that?" "Teacher. If you text and drive, you're putting your childs' life in danger." Nothing like a life lesson from your four year old.
"I have a hypothesis Daddy." "Excuse me, what?" "I have a hypothesis I said." "Ok Iz. What's your hypothesis?" "I think that hand sanitizer has little tiny tiny people inside it that walk all over your hands and eat up all the bad germs." "That's a great hypothesis Iz. How do you know what that word means?" "Buddy. Dinosaur Train."
Oh Mom, wouldn't it be ideal for Jacer Man to come home tonight?
Mom, isn't it delightful to have a mom like you?
The other day, Izzy and I were downstairs getting ready to have breakfast. I asked her if she wanted me to make her some cinnamon toast. She turned to me and said, 'Mom. You don't know how to make cinnamon toast so good. Last day when you maked it for me it didn't taste very good. We'll have to wait for Daddy to make it for me. He has lots more experience with cinnamon toast. Maybe if you watch him you can get more experience too!'
Iz: 'Dad, when i get pregnant, will i have to go to the Dr. a lot?' Scott: 'Ya honey. Probably 10 times or so.' Iz: 'Don't even say that Dad! You're making my head go in circles!'
"Mommy, your just a little bit nice. But daddy, he's the most nice. It's ok mom. Dad is just lots more nicer than you."
Izzy went to help Scott finish up a 'side job' today. The owner of the house is named Akbar. She struck up a friendly conversation with him and informed him that her daddy said she could be anything she wanted to be but she'd need to go to a lot of school first cause that was very important. He agreed whole heartedly. She then held her finger up (like 'wait a minute') and said, 'know what else is important Akbar? Jesus!' Our little missionary.
Me: 'Izzy? Why are mommy's bras hanging all around your bedroom?' Izzy: 'Well. I was using them for my purses.'
Last weekend Izzy had a sleepover with Gabe. Before bed, her aunt Broodge read scriptures with the kids and then started discussing the Holy Ghost and how He can prompt us and warn us. She gave examples of situations where they might hear the Holy Ghosts' voice speak to them such as during a bad movie, a naughty t.v. show, a party where drinking is going on, or in a classroom group at school. So, the other day Iz is sitting in my lap watching t.v. and someone on the commercial says 'stupid.' She immediately pipes up...'Mom, the Holy Ghost just told me I should turn the station and not watch this show!'
Scott asked Izzy to say a prayer for him on the way to church one day because he was about to teach a Gospel Doctrine lesson. It got really quiet for a bit. So he asked again. She told him she had already said a prayer and the reason he didn't hear it was because she'd said it in her heart.
Christmas morning, amidst the confusion and chaos of opening gifts, Izzy stops and says, 'Merry Christmas Fadder. Merry Christmas Mudder.'
Izzy was Mary in the Christmas nativity this year. She was adorable as she recited her one big line. It went something like this..."Oh Joseph. I can't go an farter. Wet's take the stable."
Last night Jace was being a pill while Scott was trying to feed him. He was sitting in his Bumbo seat and was arching his back and turning around...basically not paying attention. Izzy went right up to him and said, "Jacers! You can do this the easy way or the REALLY easy way."
Izzy asked Scott and I the other night if Heavenly Father prays. We said of course! She followed that up by asking if he has to start his prayer with 'Dear Heavenly Father' too. Um...
Upon setting out her tea party, Izzy commented to me that things were now 'picture perfect.'
The other day Izzy was 'packing up her car and getting ready to go on vacation.' She told me she had to get everything just right so that she could 'please Gabe' when he showed up.
Santa asked Izzy what she wanted for Christmas this year and she told him she'd like a pink laptopper. We figure that's a cross between a laptop and a computer?
Scotty was singing a song today and it was apparently bothering Izzy because she turned to him and said, "Dad! Stop singing that. You're annorying me!" I think she meant annoying:-)
Scott taps his fingers to the beat of songs whenever we're in the car driving. It can get rather annoying at times. From the back seat the other day, Iz pipes up to say, "Dad. Stop it! You're popping my head off!"
Izzy has been learning about 'stranger danger' in preschool. She is constantly questioning us about strangers and stranger situations. Last night while trick-or-treating, we had a really hard time explaining to her that she could take candy from these strangers. 'Stop. Think. Listen with your heart. Don't be silly...get street smart!' At every house she and Scott visited, she had to ask if he knew the people who lived there. Finally, she could stand it no longer and she ran home to grandmas. Too many strangers out there for one three year old to deal with.
After drawing a picture of the temple, Iz pointed to the top and said, "Look Mom. It's the angel Ramona!
Getting into the car after school last week Izzy says to me, "I had a hard day Mom. I'm stressed out."
Iz wanted to work on her letters and so she needed some paper and crayons. Upon asking Scott for them he said, "I'm sure we can round some up." She then said, "How can we round them up Dad when we don't have a rope?"
I heard Izzy in Jace's room the other day saying, "Sorry Jacers. I was going to read you a story but since you wouldn't stop crying, you've lost your privilege. If you want to earn it back, you'll have to stop crying."
Coming into our room one night Izzy says to Scott and I, "Mom, Dad, you have two choices. One, I can climb up in that bed and sleep with you. Or, two, one of you can come down to my room and sleep with me. Make your choice."
Iz was doing her fake cry one day. I turned to her and asked her what was the matter. "Oh Mom," she said. I'm just so happy. That's why I'm crying."
Izzy is fixated on death and dying these days. I finally told her not to worry because she wasn't going to die until she was old like a grandma. With a horror-stricken look on her face she says, "Mom! I don't want my grandma Lisa to die!"
Izzy came out of Grandma Bobbye's house the other day singing, "I'm a single baby," to the tune of Beyonce's "All The Single Ladies." Hilarious!
Scott recently got called to teach the Gospel Doctrine class. Needless to say, he was quite nervous his first lesson. Izzy, sensing his nervousness, turned to him and said, "Dad, do you want me to say a special prayer for you?" Following which she offered up one of the sweetest prayers ever. Truly brought to light the Saviors counsel to become as a little child."
When singing "I Love To See The Temple" Izzy sings, "I'll prepare myself while I am YUM (instead of young)" We don't have the heart to correct her.
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